Summer Camp Season

Summer Camp Season
April 13, 2018 Andrew Riordan

With Summer Camp Season right around the corner we thought it was a perfect time to remind our clients and prospects of some important tools and exposures to consider before summer sessions start.  Many of these items are overlooked and most times not covered on a basic insurance policy.

Emergency Action Plan

Very important to have one of these in place in the event of a catastrophic injury or event.  These should be readily accessible by each staff member.  There are insurance products that you can purchase that can help you recover from these types of losses from business income losses due to inclement weather to active shooter liability in the event of a shooting.

Abuse & Molestation

Does your current insurance policy protect against these types of claims (many do not), are your background checks sufficient?  In today’s climate it is vital to address before your sessions start.   Are you taking the right measures to prevent these types of claims via background checks or with proper supervision by all staff members?

Driver Safety

Many camps don’t believe that they have an exposure or a need for an auto policy, did you know that if one of your camp counselors takes their own vehicle to run an errand you could be held liable for any accident?

Business Personal Property

Is your equipment being properly stored?  Are the inventory records up to date and accurate?  A self-audit of all equipment/business personal property should be conducted before the start of each session.


These are especially vital in the event that there is a claim to add a layer of protection for your organization.  Waivers should always be standalone documents that are easy to read and understand.  They should also warn against the types of risks and potential harm that is associated with the activity.

These are just a few of the many types of issues that you are facing in running a summer camp.  We have an extensive risk management library to help assist you with any needs that you have.  In addition, we have a network of professionals that are focused on your industry to make sure you have the right coverage in place

Please contact us at Amped Insurance today to receive a quote, review your current policy or discuss any exposures that your camp might have that you are unsure of.

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